Anticellulite Detox Bath

If you're suffering from cellulite or water retention, try this bath from Organic Body Care Recipes:

Herbal Anticellulite Detox Bath Tea
-1 gallon purified water
-1 cup dried chopped ginger root (or 2 cups fresh)
-1/2 cup juniper berries
-1/2 cup rosemary leaves
-1/2 cup thyme leaves
-1 cup Epsom salt
-10 drops Geranium essential oil
-5 drops Juniper Berry essential oil
-3 drops Cedarwood essential oil
-3 drops Grapefruit essential oil

In a large pan, bring the water to a boil. Remove from heat and add the herbs. Cover and steep for 3-4 hours, then strain, squeezing infusion from herbs. Turn on the tap full blast (the water temperature should be quite warm) and pour in the Epsom salt and the herbal infusion. Add the essential oils and swish the water with your hands to blend (do not skip this!).

Application tips:
To aid the herbs' penetration into the skin, dry brush your entire body before bathing (see directions on page 36). While soaking 20-30 minutes, drink 2 full glasses of hot, purified water laced with
2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice. It's important to sweat during this bath. The water, lemon, and sweating action flush toxins from the body via the kidneys and perspiration. Following the bath, dry off with a coarse towel, concentrating your efforts on areas with cellulite.

NOTE: It is important to stay well-hydrated. Listen to your body - if you don't feel well, get out! Do not do this bath if you have kidney problems.

Love this? Want more? Hurry! Organic Body Care Recipes is on sale through TOMORROW as one of our Deals of the Month!


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